Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Trip to Inuvik and Dawson, February 13-20, 2006

Photos below are from a recent trip to Inuvik (NWT) and Dawson City, Yukon. Trip included five days in Inuvik and then a few days in Dawson.

Flight to Inuvik
The reason for flying to Inuvik was to attend and provide information for Yukon in its involvement in the Mackenzie Valley Gas Pipeline hearing. The flight from Whitehorse goes first to Dawson and then on to Inuvik. Mountain ranges include the Dawson Range prior to arriving in Dawson. Flying into Inuvik, you pass the Ogilvie Mountains and the Richardsons Range in NWT and then the impressive Mackenzie Delta, before arriving in Inuvik.

View of the Mackenzie Delta region along with the Mackenzie River, the longest river in Yukon.

The "utilidor" in Inuvik is the above ground, enclosed utlity corridor housing gas, water, and sewage pipes.

Some houses in town.

Over the weekend, I flew to Dawson City. Remaining pictures are of Dawson City.

Below are sled dogs and mushers competing in the Yukon Quest, a 1,000 mile race from Fairbanks, Alaska to Whitehorse, Yukon.

There is a by-law in Dawson City that prohibits the destruction of historic buildings. Looks like this business will never die.

Riverboats were a big part of the Klondike and the broader history of the Yukon.